A Safer, Healthier Maryland for All

CASA members and staff celebrating in Annapolis just after the passage of the Access to Care Act. Photo courtesy.

The Access to Care Act passed the House and the Senate. The bill has one more step before heading to the Governor’s desk.


The Access to Care Act allows the Maryland Health Benefit Exchange (MHBE) to submit a waiver application to remove immigration status as an eligibility requirement for purchasing health care through the exchange. This critical legislation is a first step in ensuring that valued members of the community receive critical and often life-saving preventative care. The act will ensure that uninsured Marylanders have access to a doctor when and where they need it. When more Marylanders have access to primary care, we are all better off.

It would not have been passed without the help of CASA supporters who sent in testimonies, wrote and called their local legislators, and showed up to advocate for immigrant rights. Thank you for standing up and speaking out. We win when we stand together!

However, our work is not done. This victory is an example of what is possible across the country. Will you donate $5 today to help fight for expanded access to healthcare across CASA’s footprint?

Yes, I will donate $5 & continue the fight for healthcare access for all







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