AIDS Activists Protest CAA’s ‘Kill AHF’ Initiative, per AHF

Landlord Lobby seeks proposition to pull AIDS Healthcare Foundation’s nonprofit status because of healthcare organization’s support for rent control

SACRAMENTO, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–AIDS activists affiliated with AHF will protest the California Apartment Association (CAA) outside its headquarters in Sacramento Wednesday as the anti-renter, corporate landlord front group attempts to put a proposition on the November 2024 ballot seeking to strip AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) of its nonprofit status because of its advocacy for rent control.

CAA has been gathering signatures for an anti-tenant, anti-patient ballot initiative deceptively titled ‘Protect Patients Now’ and has been doing so by lying to voters and taxpayers about how AHF makes its money. AHF is the world’s largest HIV/AIDS healthcare organization and currently has 1.9 million patients in care. CAA is aiming to strip AHF of its nonprofit status and kneecap its life-saving work around the globe over the fight for rent control in California.


Wednesday, March 13 at 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.



California Apartment Association (CAA) Headquarters

U.S. Bank Plaza, 980 9th St #1430, Sacramento, CA 95814



Four 10-foot tall “Greedy Landlord” puppets, “Stop Landlord Greed” banners, protesters

The Justice for Renters Act is a statewide ballot initiative that would remove California’s rent control ban and give local communities the right to stabilize rents and make apartments more affordable for low and middle-income renters.

The Justice for Renters campaign kicked off in May 2023 with the announcement that more than 810,000 signatures in support of the proposed ballot measure has been collected and submitted, far more than the 546,651 needed to qualify the measure. On July 26, 2023, the Secretary of State’s Office certified the measure for inclusion on the November statewide ballot.


Susie Shannon, Policy Director for Housing Is A Human Right

213.880.3065 c.

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