One Nation, Indivisible, Under One Law

This week, the Supreme Court of the United States begins review on legality of SB1070, one of the nation’s meanest immigrant laws, and communities throughout the nation rise in opposition to racial profiling and a nation polarized by a patchwork of inconsistent laws

Los Angeles – On Wednesday, April 25, 2012, the Supreme Court of the United States of America (SCOTUS) will initiate hearings on the constitutionality of Arizona’s SB1070, one of the nation’s toughest and senseless immigration laws.  The landmark case is United States of America v. State of Arizona.   No matter how far-fetched or unconstitutional, some states have succumbed to political pandering and anti-immigrant sentiment advancing laws that compete and obstruct federal law.  The patchwork of laws threatens to hinder the very principles and Constitutional guarantees the states purport to protect as well as make it virtually impossible to solve the problem. In addition, the economic, social, and moral fallout of laws such as SB1070 has been disastrous. Whereas some call SB1070 a “model” for the nation, immigrant communities in Arizona and throughout the nation recognize it as a gaping hole where justice and equal treatment for all capsizes and people of certain skin color, accent, style of clothing, or geographical residence are discriminated against, even if they have been American citizens all of their lives.

WHAT:             Daylight vigil for justice and the American Dream, rally, and press event in front of the Los Angeles federal court building downtown Los Angeles, one day before the SCOTUS is scheduled to begin formal hearings on the legality of SB1070.  A call to become a US citizen and march during the May Day activities will be made.


WHEN:            Tuesday, April 24, 2012, starting at 10:00 a.m.


WHERE:          Federal District CourtBuilding, 312 North Spring St., Los Angeles(Note Address Change – this is not the ICE headquarters building)

WHO:              Immigrant families, students, advocates, allies, elected officials, faith community leaders, organizations, and community members.  Organizations including AILA, California Dream Network, CARECEN, CHIRLA, Center for Community Change, CLUE-LA, MALDEF, May 1 Unity Coalition, NDLON, NILC, and Voto Latino will participate.  LA City Councilman Ed Reyes, Rabbi Jonathan Klein(CLUE-LA) have confirmed attendance.  Rev. Eric P. Lee of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference of Greater Los Angeles, invited.

VISUALS:         Two large posters of the US Constitution will be placed on each side of the stage.  An American flag will also be on stage.  Participants will recite the Pledge of Allegiance at the start of the press event.  Throughout the group’s perimeter, lit votive candles will form a circle “for justice and the American Dream”.   Members of the faith community will conduct a group prayer offering words of wisdom for the Supreme Court Justices.  Individuals impacted by immigration raids and racial profiling will be at hand.  Posters with the themes “One Not 50”, “One Nation, No Discrimination”, “Become a Citizen Now”, and “I have the Right to be with my Family” and posters with the graphic of a lit candle will be splattered throughout.

To participate in the virtual vigil for Justice and the American Dream, visit

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