
IDB: President Mauricio Claver-Carone

IDB: President Mauricio Claver-Carone

On his first day as president of the Inter-American Development Bank, Mauricio Claver-Carone spoke with IDB Group staff to discuss his vision and goals for his five-year term. During a virtual address from IDB headquarters in Washington, D.C., Claver-Carone described the cornerstone of his presidency as, "The transformational opportunities that…
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Annual Meetings, October 9-15

Annual Meetings, October 9-15

The Annual Meetings of the Boards of Governors of the the World Bank Group (WBG) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) bring together central bankers, ministers of finance and development, parliamentarians, private sector executives, representatives from civil society organizations and academics to discuss issues of global concern, including the world…
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