Las Vegas, NV- As part of the nationwide campaign “Su Voz, Mi Voto” (Their Voice My Vote), Latino youth will be holding a rally in Nevada, where Mitt Romney plans to hold a fundraiser, to send a message that undocumented youth do have a voice in this electoral year — the Latino vote! The youth will be joined by dozens of friends, family members who are U.S. citizen to protest and remind the Latino community that Romney is taking anti-immigrant positions that will harm Latino familes and businesses.
Romney is fundraising in states where the Latino community is growing as well as a state whose economy depends on immigrant labor. At a time where Romney is embracing a “self-deportation” immigration policy, essentially making the lives of undocumented communities so hostile that they would leave on their own, the Latino community has decided to speak up! They will come together and pledge that they will use their VOTE to give a VOICE to DREAMers and their families.
Who: Latino Youth and Voters
When: May 29, 2012, 4:30PM MT
Where: Trump International Hotel: 2000 N Fashion Show Dr. Las Vegas, NV 89109
DRM Capitol Group serves as a voice for undocumented youth and lobbying arm of the dream movement. Our work ensures that undocumented youth are represented in the halls of power and are correctly and directly informed of the actions of Congress, Executive Agencies, and the Courts.