Youth Entrepreneurial CEO Refutes Maryland Hispanic Business Conference Attacks

Baltimore, MD [CapitalWirePR] February 17, 2011 – U.S. Hispanic Youth Entrepreneur Education (USHYEE) President and CEO, Luis Borunda, issued the following statement following the attack on the Maryland Hispanic Business Conference Foundation of Maryland, Inc, doing business as Maryland Hispanic Business Conference (MD HBC) and his membership on the Board of Directors.

“The Maryland Hispanic Business Conference is an 11 year old organization which has become the premier venue for showcasing Hispanic businesses in the State of Maryland. Many of Maryland’s top corporations and government agencies are stake holders. This conference has been supported by the three major Hispanic Chambers of Commerce in the State, since its inception! The State Chairs of the Conference have come from these honorable institutions.

As the 2008 Chair of the MD HBC I am shocked by the false and unwarranted attacks by two disgruntled former members of the MD HBC Conference Committee. These individuals have inappropriately used proprietary corporate information to spread malicious and inaccurate information about the organization, its former and present leadership. Court records indicate that one of these individuals, unfortunately, has a past history of this type of behavior.

The Maryland Hispanic Business Conference has obtained Counsel and vigorously denies any wrong doing in its business dealings. “This has become a distraction from our primary goal, which is the promotion and advancement of opportunities for Maryland’s Hispanic business community”.

Borunda, went on to say “The Business Conference business operations have been, and continue to be, analyzed by the Conference’s legal counsel and other professional. I am proud of the work all of the Past Chairs have done in building this successful Hispanic business show case. The MD HBC by way of Counsel has formally informed the disgruntled individuals to cease and desist immediately.


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