Mes: agosto 2012

El virus del Nilo mata

Luisa Fernanda Montero Para La Red Hispana Es muy probable que por estos días haya escuchado hablar del virus del Nilo Occidental - VNO -  pero ¿qué es realmente y cómo puede afectarnos? Vamos por partes. Para empezar estamos hablando de un virus.  La palabra virus viene del latín y…
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VAHCC Kicks-Off Hispanic Heritage Month with the Hispanic Gala

Richmond, VA[CapitalWirePR]– Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15th – October 15th) will officially start inVirginia on September 12th with the Virginia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce’s annual “Hispanic Gala” in theCapitalCity at the Science Museum of Virginia. The Hispanic Gala highlights the outstanding achievements of Hispanics who will receive the prestigious “Bridge…
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More than 200 applicants at Dreamers Day Event in DC

On August 25, 2012, theWashington,DCchapter of the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA-DC) provided legal guidance to over 200 Dreamers—young men and women seeking to remain in theUnited Statesand work lawfully under the Obama Administration’s new deferred action policy. Working in partnership with a dozen community-based organizations, the AILA-DC members met…
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