Tri-Caucus Alliance to Reaffirm Strong Support for Maryland’s Trust Act

The Tri-Caucus encourage its passage by the Maryland Senate.

Annapolis, MD — The Maryland Legislative Latino Caucus, together with the Legislative Black Caucus of Maryland and the Asian American and Pacific Islander Caucus, to reaffirm their strong support of The Trust Act and encourage its passage by the Senate. This important legislation seeks to maintain trust between the police and the community they serve while creating guidelines for cooperation with federal immigration agencies in the conduct of immigration actions in their jurisdictions..

Additionally, the legislation establishes that state and local governments may not use public resources to detain or arrest a person for immigration purposes; respond to a hold or detainer request from federal immigration authorities; or respond to a request for nonpublic information about a person.

The Trust Act will address some of the concerns that have arisen as a result of recent executive orders issued by the Trump Administration. The Trust Act would ban the state from participating or implementing any type of religion-based registry, such as a Muslim registry. It would also limit federal immigration enforcement agencies from removing individuals when they are at schools, in hospitals, or in courthouses, among other public locations.

The legislation has been introduced by Senator Ramirez in the Senate (SB 835) and Delegates Morales and Sanchez in the House of Delegates (HB 1362).

WHAT: Press Conference

WHEN: Monday, April 3, 2017 at 3:00PM

WHERE: House of Delegates, Lowe House Office Building
6 Bladen Street, Annapolis, Room 150

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