
The Latino Coalition Delivers Again for U.S. Entrepreneurs with 2016 TLC Small Business Summit

Elected officials support leading entrepreneurial population; Hispanic-owned businesses boasting 15 times the national growth rate Washington, DC [CapitalWirePR] June 10, 2016 – The Latino Coalition (TLC), the leading national non-partisan advocacy organization representing Hispanic businesses and consumers is hosting the 2016 TLC Small Business Summit on Wednesday, June 15th in…
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Por Isaac Cohen* La creación de apenas 38,00 nuevos empleos no agrícolas en mayo fue descrita como decepcionante, en comparación con el promedio mensual de 230,000 empleos creados durante el año pasado. La tasa de desempleo disminuyó a 4.7 por ciento en mayo, desde 5 por ciento en abril, debido…
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By Isaac Cohen* The creation of only 38,000 new non agricultural jobs in May was described as disappointing, compared to the monthly average of 230,000 jobs created during last year. The unemployment rate decreased to 4.7 percent in May, from 5 percent in April, due to a decline in the…
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