
Respuesta hipotética

Por Isaac Cohen* Los funcionarios prefieren no responder preguntas basadas en lo que puede suceder, o como dice el refrán no les gusta contestar “preguntas hipotéticas.” La semana pasada, durante la conferencia de prensa sostenida al concluir la reunión del Comité de Mercado Abierto, le preguntaron a la presidenta de…
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Hypothetical Answer

By Isaac Cohen* Officials prefer not to answer questions based on what may happen, or as the saying goes they do not like to answer “hypothetical questions.” Last week, at the press conference held at the conclusion of the meeting of the Open Market Committee, Federal Reserve, Chairwoman Janet Yellen…
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New Research Reveals Langley Park Children and Families Face Severe Barriers to Achievement

LANGLEY PARK, Maryland.— The Urban Institute, Prince George’s County Public Schools, and CASA de Maryland today released From Cradle to Career: The Multiple Challenges Facing Immigrant Families in Langley Park Promise Neighborhood, an examination of the dire challenges facing families in the region’s densest immigrant neighborhood. The report, the result of…
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