
China se desacelera

Por Isaac Cohen* La última cifra de 7,4 por ciento de crecimiento económico en China para el primer trimestre de este año, revelada la semana pasada, fue levemente inferior a la meta fijada por el gobierno de 7,5 por ciento. Por consiguiente, a primera vista, esta cifra no debe causar…
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China Slows Down

By Isaac Cohen* The latest figure of 7.4 economic growth in China for this year’s first quarter, released last week, was slightly below the 7.5 percent target set by the government for 2014. Therefore, at first glance, this figure should not be cause for concern. However, other indicators are pointing…
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Final Response

April 22, 2014   CASA in Action Responds to April 18, 2014 Bethesda Now blog article “Challenger Questions Commitment Of District 18′s Gutierrez After El Salvador Trip”   I was extremely disturbed to recently learn that a candidate for state office in the 18th district has chosen to attack Delegate…
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