PSL: If Biden refuses to draw the red line for Rafah, we will!

Just few steps from the main entrance of the White House. Photo PSL


MLNews Room


On June 8, wearing red, over 100,000 people completely encircled the White House to establish the people’s red line —a two-mile long banner with the names of all the Palestinians Israel has murdered since Oct. 7.

«This massive red banner symbolized the people’s determination to put an end to the U.S.-Israeli genocide in Gaza,» said the speakers of the Party of Socialism and Liberation (PSL).

Genocide-Feminicide. Photo PSL.

The action was followed by a People’s Court of Justice, where a team of human rights lawyers and legal experts shared testimonies of people in Gaza and tried the U.S. and Israeli war criminals for the atrocities they’ve perpetrated.

«But we’re not stopping there! We call on people all around the world to urgently draw the red line against genocide by organizing actions at the offices of elected officials and all institutions complicit in the genocide of Palestinian people,» they pointed out.

Palestinian flags. Photo PSL.
Thousands of people gathered last Saturday. Photo PSL.

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