Maryland Legislative Latino Caucus and Attorney General to Announce Joining the Suit to Block 2020 Citizenship Census Question

Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh.

Annapolis, MD – The Maryland Legislative Latino Caucus (MLLC) along with Attorney General Brian Frosh will hold a press conference to announce that Maryland has joined the State of New York, along with 18 other states, in filing a lawsuit to block the President from inquiring about citizenship information from respondents for the 2020 Census. Requiring citizenship information will decrease response rates among immigrant communities, hindering accurate population counts in states that have large immigrant populations. Inaccurate census-counts directly impacts federal funding and representation in Congress and the Electoral College.

The MLLC would like to emphasize that the Constitution outlines that the Census Bureau must determine “the whole number of persons in each state.” If we propose measures that deter people from participating, we will not be fulfilling the purpose of the Census itself. We urge the communities we represent to follow the outcome of this lawsuit, so as to use accurate information when it comes to deciding on how to respond to the census.

Attorney General Brian Frosh along with MLLC Chair, Delegate Carlo Sanchez, and Vice-Chair, Delegate Maricé Morales, will lead the press conference. Executive Board Members Delegates Joseline Peña-Melnyk, Ana Sol Gutiérrez, David Fraser-Hidalgo, and Senator Victor Ramirez will be in attendance.

AG Frosh joins Coalition of 18 Attorneys General, led by NY AG Schneiderman,
Six Cities, Bipartisan U.S. Conference of Mayors in Suit Filed on April 3, 2018

WHEN: Thursday, April 5, 2018, at 9:30AM

WHERE: Lowe House Office Building, 6 Bladen St., Room 142, Annapolis

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