Tens of Thousands to Attend Rally for Citizenship at Nation’s Capitol

Washington, DC – On Wednesday April 10, tens of thousands of community, labor and immigrant rights supporters will converge on the West Lawn of the U.S. Capitol in the nation’s capital, urging Congress to pass commonsense immigration reform in 2013 NOW that includes a roadmap to citizenship for 11 million undocumented immigrants. The rally, hosted by local organizations CASA de Maryland and SEIU 32BJ, and supported by prominent local and national organizations, will close a week of actions in which dozens of events are held in communities across the country to urge immediate action to address the nation’s immigration crisis.
In addition to the afternoon rally, advocates will lobby Members of Congress that morning and engage in negotiations with key decision-makers about next steps and principle demands.
The rally agenda will include some of the country’s most prominent labor, civil rights, and political leaders as well as working families impacted by the immigration crisis.  An interfaith service will open the event, featuring high-ranked faith leaders from diverse religious backgrounds.  People ranging from educators to auto workers from across the country will join the growing chorus of voices on behalf of families impacted by a broken immigration system. A growing list of talented artists, ranging from Elizabeth Alexander, the 2009 inaugural poet, to Andy Andy, a top bachata star, to Olga Tañon, a Grammy-winning recording artist, will be featured.
The April 10th Rally for Citizenship is occurring at a critical point for one of President Obama’s top policy priorities and will represent a key opportunity to interview advocacy leaders and immigrant families.
The action at the nation’s capital closes a week of actions across the country that ranges from a Bridgeport, Connecticut march to City Hall to events across Texas outside Senator Ted Cruz’s office to a Las Vegas immigration town hall.  More information about echo events, the rally, and press credentialing can be found at www.citizenship-now.org.
Diverse Sectors Come Together United to Reform Broken Immigration System and Demand Congressional Action.
WHAT:           National Rally for Citizenship at U.S. Capitol
WHERE:         West Lawn of U.S. Capitol, Washington D.C. (press sign-in table stage left)
WHEN:           Wednesday, April 10, 2013, 3:30pm
WHO:            Tens of thousands of immigrants and their supporters, the Alliance For Citizenship, CARECEN, CASA de Maryland, Communication Workers of America, the Fair Immigrant Rights Movement of the Center for Community Change, First Focus, the Interfaith Immigration Coalition, the Laborers International Union, National Education Association (NEA), Service Employee International Union (SEIU), SEIU 32BJ, United Auto Workers, the United Food and Commercial Workers, and many more.

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