Campaign to Expose Congressional Candidates Anti-immigrant Positions

On a recent pre-elections press call, undocumented youth talked about the importance of the DREAM Act as a National issue when it comes to winning the Latino vote in key congressional races.

The 2012 election cycle has seen immigration take center stage. Both President Obama and Governor Romney have been confronted with questions on their immigration policy. President Obama failed to take on immigration reform his first year as he promised and Mitt Romney moved to the extreme right on immigration, including promise to veto the DREAM Act. Immigration is also playing a major role in Congressional races with the Latino vote playing a decisive role.

«We will never forget that in 2010 my senator voted no the DREAM act. He shattered dreams but now he is looking to appeal to the Latino electorate for support. We will remind our community that he stood against us with his vote» said Astrid Silva, an undocumented youth from the advocacy group DREAM BIG VEGAS.

Josue Saldivar, an undocumented student fromArizonastates: «Arizonahas seen some of the worst anti-immigrant climate in the entire state. Jeff Flake has simply stood by as Latinos have been racial profiled by SB1070 and not to mention backing away from his support for the DREAM Act in 2010»

Sergio Vocili from DREAM Action Boston states: «Scott Brown has repeatedly called the DREAM Act ‘backdoor amnesty’. He doesn’t understand that the DREAM Act will allow undocumented young people like myself to remain and contribute to the country I call home.»

Also, Candidates like Linda McMahon do not have a legislative record on the DREAM Act but still important to hold them accountable for their failure to state a position on the important issue. Camilla Bortolleto an undocumented student fromDanburysaid: «Linda McMahon has refused to give a clean position on where she stands on the DREAM ACT.Connecticutdeserves someone who represents the interest of all and is committed to justice for immigrant youth.»

Undocumented youth will be rallying the community, specially the Latino vote to show that those who voted no or are against the DREAM Act are not on the side of the majority of Americans who support the DREAM Act.


To listen to the recording click here.


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