Corruption, Violence, and Reform: Honduras' Struggle for Democratic Governance

Tuesday, October 13, 2015
9:30-11:00 a.m.
Inter-American Dialogue Conference Room
1211 Connecticut Ave, Suite 508, Washington, DC
Among Latin American countries, the challenges faced by Honduras today are some of the most severe. Ongoing corruption scandals, lackluster growth, and persistent violence have hobbled the public’s trust in politics and public institutions. At the same time, reform efforts to date have been halfhearted.
The recently announced OAS “Support Mission against Corruption and Impunity in Honduras” (MACCIH) has been met with mixed reactions. Many are skeptical about the government’s commitment to fighting corruption and improving democratic governance through existing institutions and insist on new mechanisms.
In light of these issues, CLALS and the Inter-American Dialogue welcome Honduran economist Hugo Noé Pino to discuss the country’s current crisis and propose alternative solutions.
He will be joined by Carlos Ponce of Freedom House, who has followed Honduras closely for many years, to provide commentary and additional insights on the situation and prospects for reform.
To RSVP, please click here.
Center for Latin American & Latino Studies
American University
4400 Massachusetts Ave., NW | Washington, DC 20016
T: 202-885-6178 | F: 202-885-6430

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