"Deporting Refugee Children Is Not The Answer"

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PHOENIX, AZ – Just yesterday Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton reiterated her previous position to process refugee children escaping violence in Central America. Ms. Clinton responded at last year’s refugee crisis that the children needed «to be sent back.» Erika Andiola & Cesar Vargas, co-directors of the Dream Action Coalition, issued the following statement:  
«It is unfortunate Ms Clinton calls for more resources to process the refugee children at a time when many of them have no legal representation. The rapid pace of the so called ‘rocket dockets» to expedite deporations has overwhelmed the fragile network of pro-bono lawyers available to the children.  
«Deporting children escaping violence is not the answer. Just like Ms. Clinton has met with Dreamers, we hope she can also meet with these children to listen to their stories so that she can truly understand why parents are sending their children to the U.S.   Let’s hope she can continue to evolve on this issue or face a even more skeptical Latino electorate.»

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