HLN Announces Immigration Reform Advocacy Campaign

The Hispanic Leadership Network (HLN) announced it will launch a pro-immigration reform campaign this weekend, beginning with an issue advocacy advertisement featuring HLN co-chair Secretary Carlos Gutierrez called “Be Part of the Solution.” The six-figure buy will run nationally on ABC’s This Week & Fox News Sunday as well as in Spanish nationally on Univision. It will be accompanied by a significant targeted digital ad campaign. Watch the ad here or click the image below.
“America’s the only place where a little boy who couldn’t speak English can grow up to be a CEO and U.S.secretary of Commerce,” Gutierrez says in the ad. “Washingtonmust pass immigration reform that grows the economy and respects the rule of law.”
“Secretary Gutierrez is a prime example of what can happen when the immigration system works. Immigrants are the foundation of America’s success. We need an immigration system that reflects that,” said HLN Executive Director Jennifer S. Korn. “Our advocacy campaign aims to encourage genuine bipartisan immigration reform.”
“Secretary Gutierrez came to America looking for freedom, liberty and opportunity. He found it. We need bipartisan support to ensure we fix our broken relic of an immigration system so that others can find economic success here as well,” concluded Korn.
The Hispanic Leadership Network, part of the center-right American Action Network, began its efforts in 2011 and strives to engage the Hispanic community on center-right issues that will restore opportunity and prosperity inAmerica.

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