La Clinica del Pueblo Condemns Acts of Violence That Occurred in Orlando

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La Clínica has offered its thoughts about the massacre in Orlando, Florida, in which the majority of the victims were Latinx members of the LGBTQ community.

Please read part of our statement below:
Last Saturday, June 11th, La Clínica Del Pueblo and Centro ¡Empodérate! had the privilege of marching at the Capital Pride Parade in Washington, DC. We celebrated equality, respect, acceptance and love.

As we celebrate Pride Month we feel deeply saddened by what happened in Orlando this weekend. Our thoughts and prayers are with those who lost their loved ones in this horrible tragedy.

It is La Clínica del Pueblo’s position that health is a human right. Systematically, homophobia and transphobia are harmful to our health: they impede access to medical and mental health services, and create a society where discrimination and exclusion are too often more common than compassion.

We are proud to support the Latinx LGBTQ community: we affirm your strength, your dignity, your pride, and your freedom to live without fear. La Clínica del Pueblo and Centro ¡Empodérate! are safe spaces to the LGBTQ community and we welcome anyone who needs support at this time.

You can read the full statement here.
If you would like to support those affected in Orlando, we invite you to Latino GLBT History Project’s community event tonight at 9 pm, raising funds for Equality Florida’s Pulse Victim Fund. For more details click here.

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