Rally for the Raise of Minimum Wage in Maryland

This event will feature great visuals with hundreds of minimum wage supporters, the Maryland governor and lieutenant governor, along with other elected officials.


ANNAPOLIS – Hundreds of minimum wage supporters will rally on Lawyer’s Mall on Tuesday, January 14 at 5:45 p.m. Speakers will include Gov. Martin O’Malley, Lt. Gov. Anthony G. Brown, elected officials, faith leaders, low-wage workers, business owners and advocates.

Momentum has been building for Maryland to increase the state’s minimum wage during the upcoming 2014 session of the Maryland General Assembly.  Montgomery and Prince George’s county councils each recently passed bills raising wages in those jurisdictions to $11.50 by 2017.

Research has found that approximately 472,000 Marylanders would benefit from the increase, putting $466 million more in their pockets in the next two years. At the same time, businesses would benefit from nearly half a billion dollars in new consumer spending and would create more than 4,000 new full-time jobs as they expand to meet increased demand.

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