Teatro Lírico of DC presents “La Dolorosa”,

Spanish  zarzuela (light opera)  by  José Serrano.

Teatro Lírico of DC is pleased to premiere “La Dolorosa”: Spanish composer Jose Serrano’s masterpiece. La Dolorosa is the story of a man and a woman torn apart by their faith and love in a society that does not condone wrong choices.

Filled with dramatic emotion, beautiful music, and Italian verismo influence,  this Spanish opera is sure to keep audiences enthralled from its first to its last note.  This is a staged production sung in Spanish (supertitles available), with dialogues in English.  The international cast includes baritones Alex Albuquerque and Jose Sacin (Peru), sopranos Maria Aurora Paz (Mexico), Gina Maria Perregrino (USA), tenors Alvaro Rodriguez (Spain) and Pablo Henrich (Bolivia), Jose Sacin, and bass-baritone Eduardo Castro (Peru).

The Church of theHolyCityis four blocks fromDupont Circlemetro station on the Red line. There is parking available two blocks from the venue at1617 14th St. NW,Washington,DC20009.

Tickets can be purchased on-line at www.instantseats.com

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