Bego Anton en Festival FOTOWEEKDC


La fotografa española espone su muestra "Everybody Love Cha Cha Cha" en la Antigua Residencia del Embajador de Espana en Washington DC. Foto: Lenin Nolly/MLnews
La fotografa española espone su muestra «Everybody Love Cha Cha Cha» en la Antigua Residencia del Embajador de Espana en Washington DC. Foto: Lenin Nolly/MLnews

I often call myself a treasure hunter. Being a photographer is like seeking for treasures that are in full view but that most of the times we are unable to see. I like exploring the most remote corners to find these gems and then sharing them with the rest of the world to ensure that these stories will never disappear.
I also consider myself an adventurer. Photography lets me enter into universes that otherwise I’d never have had to chance to interact with. It’s not only about taking pictures, but experiencing new cultures, new people and new feelings.
Foto Lenin Nolly
Foto: Lenin Nolly/MLnews

My work often dissects human behaviour and reflects on the psychology and moral implications of our relationship with nature and animals. I am fascinated by the contradictions that emerge every time we try to explain the bond that brings us together and tears us apart from the natural world. Some animals we love, some we eat. We spoil nature as well as we overprotect it. In search of this I’ve joined people looking for beautiful butterflies and moths in the south of England and I’ve portrait women who dance with their dogs across the US.
I’m also very interested in small groups or collectives that are seen as strange to the rest of the society. People who get together, almost secretly, because the rest of humanity doesn’t understand their interests. I looked for elves and hidden people in the Icelandic lava fields; I met people looking for signs of extraterrestrial life in the mysterious mountains of Montserrat and I have even discovered a campsite in the south of Spain where people walk naked.

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