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By Initiative Article 88
Pronouncement #1:
What is going to happen this June 1st is not the inauguration of a president. It is the funeral of the Republic, the act of formalizing the unconstitutional permanence of the president in office beyond the end of his term. It is equivalent to the enthronement of a dictator.
Precisely for this case the constituents wrote Article 88, one of the intangible norms of our Constitution, which states:
“The alternation in the exercise of the Presidency of the Republic is indispensable for the maintenance of the established form of government and political system. The violation of this norm obliges to insurrection”.
From Art. 88 derives the right and duty of the citizenry to offer civil resistance to the de facto government.
In order to assure that this duty is fulfilled and to work for the restoration of the constitutional order, we have united Salvadoran patriots and democrats both in our country and abroad. We call on all Salvadoran patriots to disavow the illegitimate president Nayib Bukele and his government and to unite to reestablish constitutional order.
What is installed on June 1, 2024 is a de facto regime, headed by a de facto president, that takes the country back to its authoritarian past. Law, decency, ethics and history are on our side.
As of June 1, 2024, all actions taken by the illegitimate president, his officials and the branches of government under the control of the Executive will be illegal and null and void.
All officials within the three powers of the State —Executive, Legislative and Judicial— who participate in the illegitimate exercise of power and politically manipulate justice, will become co-responsible for crimes in violation of the Constitution and Human Rights.
All those who want to defend the Constitution and the rights and liberties it guarantees us, regardless of ideological preferences and social status, are summoned to this patriotic task of restoring democracy and the Rule of Law. Today, the alternative is between democracy and dictatorship. The struggles for social justice and the work of private enterprise for the growth and economic development of the country come together, when the common duty is to defend the freedoms and rights of all.
We ask the people of the world to support the legitimate resistance of Salvadoran democrats. And the democratic governments of the world we ask:
– Suspend any political support to the unconstitutional and illegitimate government of Nayib Bukele;
– Stop any assistance in armament, training and advice to the Armed Forces, the PNC, the Attorney General’s Office and the penitentiary system, which today are instruments of repression;
– Not to finance the consolidation of the de facto government;
– Demand the lifting of the emergency regime;
– Recognize the right to peaceful resistance.
Together we will comply with the mandate of Article 88.
Iniciativa Artículo 88 San Salvador, May 30th 2024