GOP Chaos – Wrong for Virginia

Photo: CASA

What a mess. The Republicans in Congress can’t seem to come together on the simplest choice as the majority party–who will be their Speaker. Even worse, their candidates for Speakership, like Representative Jim Jordan, keep getting more and more right-wing, anti-immigrant, and anti-working families. Forget about governing.

As I look at this chaos across the Potomac, I can’t help thinking that we must make sure this toxic GOP disorder is not allowed to wreak any more havoc on the state politics of Virginia. That is why our canvassers are out in our communities every day knocking on doors for the upcoming Virginia Legislature elections. So far, we have knocked on almost 90,000 doors and spoken with over 25,000 Virginia voters about CASA in Action’s slate of pro-immigrant, pro-working family candidates. Can you contribute to CASA in Action today to make sure that we can challenge anti-democratic, anti-immigrant, and anti-working families candidates across our turf? Every $20 donated means 12 more doors knocked and 12 more potential voters mobilized!

Foto CASA.

Will you help us take back Virginia for immigrant families?

One of CASA in Action’s member-endorsed candidates, Michael Feggans, has been championing core community values for decades, advocating for strong education systems, a robust economy, environmental protections, and an equitable society in Virginia. Michael has been an avid leader as a lifelong Virginia resident and 20-year Air Force veteran. Now, he is ready to step into public policy serving as Virginia House Delegate in District 97 to continue serving the community he loves.

This past weekend, voters and canvassers got together at the CASA in Action Welcome Center in Woodbridge, Virginia to join other inspiring candidates, including Josh King, Josh Cole, Deshundra Jefferson and Danica Roem on the campaign trail. This slate of candidates, once in office, will ensure to halt the tide of GOP chaos in the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Learn more about our VA candidates!

No one should be surprised by the kind of behavior we’re seeing out of the national GOP–after all, whether it’s in DC or Richmond, this is still the party of Donald Trump, Matt Gaetz, and Jim Jordan. Luckily, it is our cause–the cause of liberation–which we have poured the strength of our solidarity into. I have no doubt which vision Virginia voters will choose next month–once they are able to hear CASA in Action’s pitch. Help us with one final push to reach as many voters as possible before election day, and help keep the Republican disfunction and divisiveness out of power in Virginia. 


Marvin Hernandez
Deputy Voter Engagement Director

CASA in Action











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