TIC Americas 2018

The TIC Americas 2018 Finals is part of the Implementation Component «Entrepreneurship for Action» of the fifth edition of the Young Americas Forum (V Forum), an official activity of the VIII Summit of the Americas. The V Forum will take place in Lima, Peru, on April 11 and 12 of this year, bringing together the Finalists of TIC Americas 2018 and selected delegates within the Youth Participation Component.

During the V Forum, the Finalists will be able to expand their business network, have a space in the International Expo, participate in the plenary sessions and trainings, among other activities. This is possible thanks to the important support of the sponsors and strategic partners, that year after year, support the implementation and expansion of the program in the Hemisphere: The OAS, PepsiCo, cbc, Postobón, and the World Bank, through its Office for Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as the National Government of Peru, as the host country of the VIII Summit.

We want to thank again the young entrepreneurs who have been part of this edition of TIC Americas. To those who were not Finalists, we encourage you to continue with your initiatives, and we invite you to participate in the next edition of the program. Likewise, we greatly appreciate the international judges for their valuable support in selecting the Finalist teams, and the experts who presented during the YABT BootCamp training sessions.

Finalists of TIC Americas 2018

Startup Challenge

Animation Bee Studios Platform – United States
Eight by Box Synergy – Argentina
Evea Ecofashion – Peru

Eco-Challenge – Environment

Bio Natural Cover – Peru
Eknis: bioenergía rural sostenible – Mexico
Sorui – Argentina

Eco-Challenge – Nutrition

Aleph Agriplus – Haiti
Filtrante de Mashua Negra – Peru
Nigma – Mexico

Eco-Challenge – Women

Comfy – Ecuador
Epik Woman – Peru
Projeto Gutta – Brazil

Eco Challenge – Central America

Nutrito – El Salvador
Agua2 (Water Squared) – Guatemala
«Potencial de Nicaragua» Redes para el Desarrollo Familiar Sostenible – Nicaragua

Eco Challenge – Colombia

Acuaponia Amazonia – Palmira
Proyecto Ekoducha h2o+ reuso de aguas grises con botellas pet en depósito y descarga de inodoros – Bogota
Remediadión y Restauración de suelos y fuentes hidricas contaminados con hidrocarburos – Neiva


Caribbean Innovation Competition

Bresheh – Jamaica
KariBites – Grenada
Red Diamond Compost – Barbados

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