FEMA Mobile Vaccination Units in Maryland

Acting Secretary Schrader, Maryland National Guard Brigadier General Janeen Birckhead, and Mr. Maxwell Domalavage, Deputy Program Manager Mobile Vaccination Units, FEMA


Baltimore, MD—Today, Maryland Department of Health (MDH) Acting Secretary Dennis R. Schrader toured one of the nation’s first Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) mobile vaccination units that are set to deploy to provide access to COVID-19 vaccinations to thousands of residents in remote and underserved areas in Maryland. 

Maryland National Guard Brigadier General Janeen Birckhead, who is also the head of Maryland’s Vaccine Equity Task Force; Mr. Russell J. Strickland, Executive Director, Maryland Emergency Management Administration (MEMA); and Ms. Janice Barlow, Acting Region 3 Administrator, FEMA, joined Acting Secretary Schrader at the event.

The two 32-foot mobile trailers include cold storage for vaccine doses, storage for administrative materials, staff office space, and generators. Each mobile unit is designed to provide a minimum of 250 COVID-19 vaccination doses per day. 

Acting Secretary Schrader, Maryland National Guard Brigadier General Janeen Birckhead, and Mr. Maxwell Domalavage, Deputy Program Manager Mobile Vaccination Units, FEMA

Appointments can be booked through the health department in individuals’ county of residence. Schedules will vary depending upon need. The units are expected to remain in one location for at least a few days at a time.

“One of our main objectives, and a key part of our overall strategy to pull individuals directly to vaccines, is to continually build and expand our vaccine distribution infrastructure and network to maximize points of distribution in every jurisdiction across the state,” said Acting Secretary Dennis R. Schrader. «I am thrilled that our network now includes one of the nation’s first federally operated mobile vaccination units that you see here today and look forward to seeing them out in vulnerable and underserved communities.”

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