Take Action to Stop the Deportation of Mississippi Worker Leader Baldomero

Will you take action to demand ICE release Baldomero and stop targeting Mississippi workers who were impacted by their racist workplace raids?


Baldomero is a poultry worker and community leader, and was one of the 680 indigenous and Latino workers who were arrested in ICE’s racist and retaliatory workplace raids in 2019. After the raids, Baldomero and his wife Sylvia fought courageously to reunite and keep their family together in Mississippi. And after serving time for a “re-entry” conviction, he was finally released thanks to the family’s bold advocacy and that of community leaders at the Immigrant Alliance for Justice and Equity (IAJE) of Mississippi.
But on April 12, Baldomero was arrested at his immigration check-in at the ICE field office in Pearl, Mississippi, and then transferred to ICE’s migrant prison at LaSalle, Louisiana. Today Baldomero faces imminent deportation, and once again, separation from his family and two young children, ages 5 and 9.




Baldomero and Sylvia have been courageous voices in the national effort to call on the US Department of Labor and Homeland Security to protect migrant workers who denounce workplace abuse.  And while he continued to work in the poultry industry, Baldomero has been the sole-breadwinner for his family, and care-taker for his wife, who suffers from physical disability after a tragic car accident. Baldomero’s two kids, one who suffers from development disability, need their dad back immediately.

Will you take action to support Baldomero’s family, his wife Sylvia, and their two young children?

· Sign the petition to send an email to ICE and Rep. Bennie Thompson, to release Baldomero and let him return to his family!

· Make a donation to support Baldomero’s family to make sure they have their basic necessities as ICE continues to try to tear apart this family

· Make a call and send a tweet to Rep. Bennie Thompson, Ranking Member of the US House Committee on Homeland Security.  Ask his office to speak up for Baldomero’s family and Mississippi workers being targeted by ICE:  Call his DC office at 202-225-5876 or send him a tweet.

Despite DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas’ statements about safeguarding migrant workers rights; despite what this family has been made to suffer; and despite the trauma that ICE has inflicted on these children, ICE continues to try to punish Baldomero and his family, and to instill fear in Mississippi working families.

Let’s take action to let them know we will not allow it. 


Salvador G. Sarmiento
National Campaigns Director, NDLON


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